Saturday, August 20, 2011

11 Day “10 Things” Challenge~

Everybody seems to have their own challenge in their blogs. And i want one too! I've goggled through the tumbler's blog challenge and i found this one:

11 Day “10 Things” Challenge

Day 1: 10 things about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoos).

Day 2: 10 things you do every single day.

Day 3: 10 things about your personality.

Day 4: 10 of your favorite foods.

Day 5: 10 things about your family.

Day 6: 10 things about your friends.

Day 7: 10 of your favorite people. (no particular order)

Day 8: 10 things you’re ashamed of.

Day 9: 10 favorite bands or artists. (no particular order)

Day 10: 10 things you absolutely hate.

Day 11: 10 things you love.

Well, good luck to myself..i should start this challenge by tomorrow. Hopefully.  Or shall i change it to weeks?loL..

1 comment:

  1. Bah, mana lah kunun ko punya challenge ni. Busy betul ka?
