Saturday, August 20, 2011

11 Day “10 Things” Challenge~

Everybody seems to have their own challenge in their blogs. And i want one too! I've goggled through the tumbler's blog challenge and i found this one:

11 Day “10 Things” Challenge

Day 1: 10 things about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoos).

Day 2: 10 things you do every single day.

Day 3: 10 things about your personality.

Day 4: 10 of your favorite foods.

Day 5: 10 things about your family.

Day 6: 10 things about your friends.

Day 7: 10 of your favorite people. (no particular order)

Day 8: 10 things you’re ashamed of.

Day 9: 10 favorite bands or artists. (no particular order)

Day 10: 10 things you absolutely hate.

Day 11: 10 things you love.

Well, good luck to myself..i should start this challenge by tomorrow. Hopefully.  Or shall i change it to weeks?loL..

It's Black and White ^^

This was supposed to be posted a month ago, but u know, me..busy doing nothing..hehe..

So, i've lost my phone =( in Malacca..but 'phew'..i got my sim card back and the bad thing is i lost all the phone contact..huhu..Luckily i still keep my old phone, and still managed to keep a few numbers from it~but the best part is..i got a new one..Yippie!

Ya, i know it's not the latest one ..but it's free and it was a pair ^^. At least i experienced how to use android system. I like the Samsung one actually, but this is enough for me as it is freee~hehehehe..and the white one is mine..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My New Baby

Halo!! It's been ages since the last time i updated my last blog. Too many things to do, too many webs to go, too many games to play. And i forgot to update my blog. There's a lot things happen in this few weeks (or months), and I'm gonna put this in, one by one as my line is not very satisfying this days (I've downloaded 3 movie in this month..ehehe) i've bought a hamster!'s hamsters actually..3 of them already died..huhu..not that i don't care for them, but this hamster a.k.a Doven keep on bullying them..i think she like to be pampered alone..and it is "She"..I wanted to buy a male one actually but my fiance said the 'things' just don't look right and it is too, there she is..Now. my hamster have grown to a 'teenager' and she is so fat..And spoilt..(pandai merajuk itu)..I'm thinking to give her another friend but,,nah,i'll just forget it..

Naughty naughty Doven!
Her favourite food is corn biscuit, raisin bread and cornflakes!
I just bought this hanging nuts..just for her sweet's rm25 for only 2!
It's Bitey..She bite strangers..hehe..i miss her a lot! RIP Bitey..
This is Pearl..I love her too..she's very friendly..u gone too soon, Pearl..

I didn't have the first 'un named' hamters..She just three weeks old..too tiny..she look just like Bitey but in smaller size..RIP for three of you..