Monday, October 1, 2012

Update! Hello October

Hello there. Well i guessed you have seen my new skin again..hehe..i think i'm going to stick to this one.

I've been through a lot of things this few months, and if you noticed my ticker. Yes i am =) .. and thank you.
I'm going to make this post short and will be coming back with photos soon. I hope.

Things that i've been doing:-

1) Finally i have a job. Office hours and that's mean no oncall and i can sleep peacefully without worrying any calls.

2) I've cut my hair short. Shoulder length but i'm planning for a shorter one..hehe, if he allow me.

3) I've lose some weight due to the first 4 months. Skinny, and pale. Make me look like an anorexic. I'm starting to wonder if this was my family genetic. I hate that every-time someone visited me, they will started asking me to take this and that supplement, eat this and that.  Ok, ok i know. Well, since my doctor told me that i'm still in the right track.

4) Nearly attempt to buy those cute little things. But, sabar seja la dulu. Pantang-larang. ikut saja la. 2 more months. Sigh.

5) Suddenly i love those two cats. Which i really hate before but i still cannot stand their smell. Worst smell ever!

6) Must eat in only. I'll get really exhausted when i go out. I don't know when i can go out and go for a shopping. But one thing i confused. I get really excited when i see books sales. Hmmm.

Ok, i think i've gone longer than i should. Hehe. Next post will be photos! See ya..
