Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's Tommy,the rabbit-cat

Wondering why i called him the "rabbit-cat"? Because his character is totally cat-alike! Yup, except for the mieow-ing part. Here's the reason why i think Tommy is cat-alike.

1. He like to play and jumping around me.
2. He used the cat-litter bin.
3.He licked my leg while i sat on the floor.
4.He will 'cas kuku' when he see any thing made from wood. (cas kuku is from my bff's term of scratching     things)
5.Like to sit on the couch.
6.Will catch anything that moved in-front of him.
7. Try to bite my hamster!

Well, what do you think?

Tommy is really friendly to camera. He would pose for you.

Muka minta kesian.

Bonjour. I'm Tommy the rabbit-cat.

He like to watch tv with us.

Tommy first expression on the first day. He look very scared.



  1. hehehe kiutttt.. btl2 mcm kucing

  2. ya..kadang2 bikin panas ni..kalo kucing boleh bg tmpt cas kuku..yg ni suka menggigit brg, sy xda tau apa mo bagi..huhu..mcm2 sda rosak brg sini rumah ni

  3. astagaa, ya ka.. ko kasi beli dia yg utk anjing atau hamster gigit2 tu.. ada kan mainan dorang tu.. mnatau dia mao gigit tu.. apa yg rosak? sy arit u hamster sy gigit charger hp sy smpai rusak.. trus dia gigit wyr lptop sy tp x rosak laa, nmpk sda tu wayar d dlm la.. aduii
