Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3: 10 things about my personality.

Ok, so here's go my day 3.. I'm quiet lazy actually to do this stuff, but i had too =( ..
So, for day three i have to list 10 things about my personality.
Do i have a personality?
I'm not sure. Let's get started!

p/s : I don't know how my personality is, so i take a couple of quiz in the internet and get these answers =)

1) You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
  ~ Well..i have 5years of long-distance relationships as me and my husband working in different states and we used to date only once in two month..hmmm..and the 6th year, i'm happily married. Can you make an answer out of that? =D

2) A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.
  ~ Yes. I'm a good listener, but you better be my good listener too..hehe

3) In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
  ~ Yes, it's true! I love art. I love guitar, i love to sing, and i love to cook something new. =)

4) You find it easy to be devoted to one person... a partner who you do special things for.
  ~ Hmmm..what can i say more?

5) In love, you express your emotions through actions.
  ~ Yup =) ..I'm not the type to express my emotion through words because i believe sometimes it's not that sincere. And 'geli-geleman' hearing or reading someone 'jiwang-karat' message. Hehe. I'm the type to have a good fight with my partner and laugh while we're at it. 

6) Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!
  ~ Yes i do. But some times people take advantage from it, well, they're my friends anyway. Hmm. Maybe they will help me when i've got my problem too. Hopefully.

The others are too good to be true. So i've made some of the list. But i don't know if this is my personality or not.

7) Queen of variety
  ~ I want to be versatile. I love learning new things on my own. Forget the school, i hate them. So far i've learned how to cook, play guitar, photography, makeup, hairdressing, nursing someone etc. Some people say i'm talented bu they didn't know that i did a lot of research through internet, buy some magazine, youtube, buy expensive tools, etc. So, still think i've got talent? =)

8) Shopaholic
  ~ I'm a shopaholic and Yes, i've collected all Kinsella's shopaholic series. Hehe. It reminds me of myself. I can't live with rm500 in pocket without spending them while i'm in the mall. It seems that, suddenly all things look pretty and i even imagined where to use them. I'm totally a shopaholic. Lucky i have my husband to control me. =D

9) Animal lover
  ~ I love animal. except insects and snakes. Fury, small, cute. Just named it, i love them. Now i already have a rabbit (Tommy ) and two hamsters ( Doven and Panda) but i want more. Lucky we stayed at apartment, so there's reason why i can't adopt more. Though i'm dying to get myself a chihuahua, a shit tzu and a parsian. =D

10) Internet-Freak!
  ~ Can't live without surfing to internet for more than a week! A day, should be fine but two days? You've got to make me busy enough to think about it. Even i'm out, I've to purchased daily internet for rm5! hehe. i know. or you have to bring for shopping. =D

And it's done! 10 things about my personality ( though some of them are not listed as personality), but i got to make the list finish fast.
See you in day 4.



  1. waahhh mcm semua betul oo.. d mna ko ambik ni kuiz ni? sy pun mao ambikk.. hehe

  2. sana di tumblr nmpk org post2..lama sda ba mls btul sy mo update
